Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Science Quiz

See if you still remember your Science.
Questions 1 to 10:
1. The shape of the galaxy
The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way. It is shaped approximately like:
A) A round ball
B) A doughnut
C) A pretzel
D) A flat spiral
2. Not found in sharks
Unlike most other fish, sharks have no:
A) Bones
B) Teeth
C) Gills
D) Liver
3. Mercury
The metal mercury:
A) Is the hardest known metal
B) Is a liquid at room temperature
C) Is highly radioactive
D) Is extensively used in aircraft construction
4. The long hot squeeze
If you were to take a lump of coal and squeeze for a long time at very high temperatures, you would end up with:
A) Graphite
B) Volcanic glass, also known as obsidian
C) A smaller lump of coal
D) A diamond
5. End of an era
It is now believed that dinosaurs became extinct because of:
A) Viral diseases
B) Hunting by early humans
C) A worldwide period of climatic cooling
D) A meteorite impact
6. A matter of energy
Kinetic energy is:
A) Life energy, possessed only by living organisms
B) Only important at subatomic distances
C) Energy of movement
D) A rare form of energy sometimes observed in deep space
7. Darwin sailed the ocean blue
Charles Darwin began developing his theory of evolution while voyaging on a ship named:
A) The Enterprise
B) The Beagle
C) The Santa Maria
D) The Endeavour
8. Droid definition
An android is any robot that:
A) Has more than one basic function
B) Has the ability to make decisions and formulate plans
C) Is built by other robots
D) Looks and acts like a human
9. Sky dog
What is special about Sirius, the Dog Star?
A) It is the only star first observed by Albert Einstein
B) It is the brightest star in the sky
C) It always lies directly above the North Pole
D) It emits staccato barking sounds which radio telescopes can detect
10. Not your average mammals
The platypus and the echidna are the only mammals that:
A) Lay eggs
B) Have green blood
C) Live in Antarctica
D) Eat eucalyptus leaves

1. D - The Milky Way has four spiral arms radiating out from a central cluster of stars or "nucleus". Our solar system is located on one of the spiral arms, quite far from the center.
2. A - Shark’s skeleton is made of cartilage, a material somewhat softer and more flexible than bone.
3. B - Mercury, or quicksilver, is also quite poisonous.
4. D - This process, occurring in the Earth’s crust, produces natural diamonds.
5. D - A large meteorite is thought to have collided with the earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, some 65 million years ago. It probably struck near Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. The extinctions were caused by climate changes resulting from the collision.
6. C - Anything that moves has kinetic energy. In a collision between objects, kinetic energy is transferred from one object to the other.
7. B - Darwin was particularly intrigued by the many unusual plants and animals he observed in the Galapagos Islands.
8. D - So far, androids exist only in science fiction; engineers cannot yet build a robot that comes anywhere near human appearance or behavior.
9. B - Sirius belongs to the constellation Canis Major (the Big Dog).
10. A - These animals, called monotremes, are true mammals, but have some reptile-like features.

0~3 = Poor . Need to go back to school.
4~6 = Average. Need to refresh.
7~10 = Good. Keep it up.

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